Emergency Room Content

1st Edition: November 2020


This virtual medical simulation pack includes patients and equipment in an immersive 3D emergency room (ER) environment.  This pack is included in the Shared Content Library available with an Acadicus Pro Space subscription.  Explore a free public demo scene in the Acadicus Commons. 






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Sponsors and Contributors

Organizations can sponsor expansions of or modifications to simulation content to be included in the next edition of this content pack.  Expert instructors can gain access to complimentary Acadicus Pro Space to capture and share 3D recorded demonstrations that can be accessed by other Acadicus users.  

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Best practices in this field are constantly changing.  As new experience and information improve our knowledge, changes in methods, professional practices or treatment may be necessary.  Practitioners, students and researchers must always rely on their own experience in evaluating and using any information or methods described in this simulation or any supplemental information related to it.  In using this simulation, or any information related to it, please be mindful of your own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom you have a professional responsibility.  To the fullest extent fo the law, neither Acadicus nor the authors, contributors or editors assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products instructions or ideas contained in this simulation or related materials.

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Pediatric Simulation

Pediatric Simulation

Virtual pediatric simulation content includes patients, equipment, preconfigured scene templates, audio effects, and more.

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EMS Simulation

EMS Simulation

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Virtual Human Anatomy

Virtual Human Anatomy

These 3D virtual anatomy assets and more are available in Acadicus and can be used to create immersive virtual healthcare education experiences.

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ECG Simulator

ECG Simulator

This content pack contains everything needed to conduct ECG lead placement training through virtual simulation. Accessible in VR or non-VR.

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Respiratory Therapy

Respiratory Therapy

The Respiratory Therapy asset pack includes an elderly patient, various oxygen adjuncts, and interactive oxygen flow meter.

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Acadicus comes with a library of characters that can be used to stage a wide variety of simulation scenarios that can be manipulated with Sim Manager.

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Within the environment, characters, equipment and other assets can be added to the scene depending on the scenario.

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Veterinary Anatomy

Veterinary Anatomy

The Veterinary Anatomy asset pack contains canine, feline and equine (dog, cat and horse) anatomy for virtual remote education.

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HVAC Virtual Simulation

HVAC Virtual Simulation

This HVAC virtual simulation enables instructors to teach the basics of manifold gauge use that students can join from anywhere, any time.

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