Virtual Simulation News from Acadicus

October 2020

Nursing Education Month

Nursing Education Month

Throughout March, we’ll be hosting several events celebrating the crucial role of nursing education in addressing the shortage of clinicians.

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Acadicus Update 0.77.0

Acadicus Update 0.77.0

Your Virtual Sim Lab has been updated!  In addition to all of the new content, we’re making major updates to the Acadicus application.

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Acadicus Update 0.76.0

Acadicus Update 0.76.0

Your Virtual Sim Lab has been updated!  In addition to all of the new content, we’re making major updates to the Acadicus application.

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Acadicus Update 0.75.0

Acadicus Update 0.75.0

Your Virtual Sim Lab has been updated!  In addition to all of the new content, we’re making major updates to the Acadicus application.

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For more information or to schedule a demo:

Acadicus is compatible with Oculus Rift. Which VR hardware do you have?

8 + 7 =

Additional Resources



Private Labs in Acadicus provide access to the full content library, as well as powerful tools for creating and editing simulations.

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Learn more about Acadicus’ features including Simulation Manager, Scene Editing, 3D Recording, and Multiplayer

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Pediatric Simulation

Pediatric Simulation

Virtual pediatric simulation content includes patients, equipment, preconfigured scene templates, audio effects, and more.

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EMS Simulation

EMS Simulation

Acadicus comes with a library of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) simulation templates, patients, equipment, and environments.

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Virtual Human Anatomy

Virtual Human Anatomy

These 3D virtual anatomy assets and more are available in Acadicus and can be used to create immersive virtual healthcare education experiences.

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ECG Simulator

ECG Simulator

This content pack contains everything needed to conduct ECG lead placement training through virtual simulation. Accessible in VR or non-VR.

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Respiratory Therapy

Respiratory Therapy

The Respiratory Therapy asset pack includes an elderly patient, various oxygen adjuncts, and interactive oxygen flow meter.

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Madison, WI