Industry News: via Road to VR

Steam’s VR Surge After Half-Life: Alyx Retains Its Growth

The surprising news isn’t that Steam had a surge in connected VR headsets after Half Life: Alyx’s release, but rather that Steam has retained almost all of that growth. Each month Steam takes note of the statistics of its userbase, including the use of VR headsets. Interestingly, the number of Steam users with VR headsets is actually now slightly higher than it was immediately after the initial Half Life: Alyx surge.

This is exciting for us here at Acadicus, even though we are in an entirely different market than this title. The virtual medical simulation market is separate from the gaming and entertainment market, but this news means that virtual reality is achieving sustained interest. The development of virtual medical simulation relies on game development engines, and many of our developers come from a background in game development. A healthy VR ecosystem would be of great benefit to the growth and long-term potential of virtual simulation.


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Learn more about Acadicus’ features including Simulation Manager, Scene Editing, 3D Recording, and Multiplayer

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Pediatric Simulation

Pediatric Simulation

Virtual pediatric simulation content includes patients, equipment, preconfigured scene templates, audio effects, and more.

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EMS Simulation

EMS Simulation

Acadicus comes with a library of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) simulation templates, patients, equipment, and environments.

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Virtual Human Anatomy

Virtual Human Anatomy

These 3D virtual anatomy assets and more are available in Acadicus and can be used to create immersive virtual healthcare education experiences.

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ECG Simulator

ECG Simulator

This content pack contains everything needed to conduct ECG lead placement training through virtual simulation. Accessible in VR or non-VR.

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Respiratory Therapy

Respiratory Therapy

The Respiratory Therapy asset pack includes an elderly patient, various oxygen adjuncts, and interactive oxygen flow meter.

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Acadicus comes with a library of characters that can be used to stage a wide variety of simulation scenarios that can be manipulated with Sim Manager.

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Within the environment, characters, equipment and other assets can be added to the scene depending on the scenario.

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3D Recording Tool

3D Recording Tool

The 3D Recording Tool allows instructors to capture and share their demonstrations and lectures. 3D recordings can be played back anytime, from anywhere.

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For more information about Acadicus or to schedule a demo:

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