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Major Acadicus Q2 Platform Update

acadicus simulation update


We just released an exciting new update to Acadicus, including expanded support for HP Reverb G2, HTC Vive, and Valve Index along with numerous additional updates, fixes, and optimizations.

Don’t miss the fun new ‘Physics’ preview feature, enabling you to add gravity to any selected asset in VR edit mode.

While in VR mode, you’ll also notice the new Quick Access menu, designed to provide shortcuts to common features.

Please be sure to download, install and try this update out before any upcoming simulations!
You’ll be prompted to download and install it the next time you open Acadicus or Acadicus Studio.

If you have any questions, ping us here in Discord or send an email to

Q2 Update Change Log

– NEW: Support with XR devices (Valve Index, HTC Vive, HP Reverb G2)
– NEW: Option to add physics/gravity to Assets (preview feature)
– NEW: Menu designed for quick access. Always visible with options to toggle the microphone. laser and menu.
– NEW: Feature to teleport backwards using down on the joystick
– NEW: Feature to continue rotating your view by holding right/left on the joystick
– NEW: Feature that resets the data channel within a room when loading a scene.

– UPDATE: Optimized Asset Tool
– UPDATE: Option to use an Enterprise Server
– UPDATE: Limit the rotation or direction of the Sun so it may not pass the horizon.
– UPDATE: Renamed the admin login from “Pro Space Admin” to “Admin”
– UPDATE: The Asset caches will be clear automatically when the server is changed.

-OPTIMIZATION: Assets tool loading, unloaded, caching, downloading and serialization improved.
– OPTIMIZATION: Modified the management of loaded Assets. Now all Assets will be unloaded when a scene load occurs. This optimizes the amount of RAM being used by Acadicus.- FIX: Issue with empty guids’ within the failed item states system.

– FIX: Issue with the Acadicus Checkpoint erroneously adding a component to its Game Object.
– FIX: Issue with duplicate pre-socketed assets not property being created and networked.
– FIX: Issue with the 360 camera not capturing UI elements attached to Assets.
– FIX: Issue with Network Designator destruction not being tracked in scene recordings.

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Learn more about Acadicus’ features including Simulation Manager, Scene Editing, 3D Recording, and Multiplayer

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Pediatric Simulation

Pediatric Simulation

Virtual pediatric simulation content includes patients, equipment, preconfigured scene templates, audio effects, and more.

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EMS Simulation

EMS Simulation

Acadicus comes with a library of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) simulation templates, patients, equipment, and environments.

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Virtual Human Anatomy

Virtual Human Anatomy

These 3D virtual anatomy assets and more are available in Acadicus and can be used to create immersive virtual healthcare education experiences.

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ECG Simulator

ECG Simulator

This content pack contains everything needed to conduct ECG lead placement training through virtual simulation. Accessible in VR or non-VR.

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Respiratory Therapy

Respiratory Therapy

The Respiratory Therapy asset pack includes an elderly patient, various oxygen adjuncts, and interactive oxygen flow meter.

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Acadicus comes with a library of characters that can be used to stage a wide variety of simulation scenarios that can be manipulated with Sim Manager.

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Within the environment, characters, equipment and other assets can be added to the scene depending on the scenario.

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Veterinary Anatomy

Veterinary Anatomy

The Veterinary Anatomy asset pack contains canine, feline and equine (dog, cat and horse) anatomy for virtual remote education.

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