Acadicus is Hiring!  QA Tester

Acadicus is Hiring! QA Tester

We’re Hiring!  QA Tester Job Description Arch Virtual ( is a VR development company located in Madison, Wisconsin, focused on applying virtual technologies toward solving real world problems.   Our Acadicus platform...
Acadicus Simulation Pulse

Acadicus Simulation Pulse

Simulation Pulse Keep your finger on the pulse of virtual simulation with educator interviews, featured content, and best practices. Use this link to join us at noon central every Friday! Episode 50: Capturing Instructor Demonstrations with 3D Recordings Discover the...
Success Stories in Virtual Simulation

Success Stories in Virtual Simulation

Success Stories in VR Simulation Educators, physicians and administrators share their 2021 success stories with virtual simulation, as well as plans for 2022. We sincerely appreciate their excellent responses, shared here in alphabetical order: Amarillo College,...