OpenRN: Scenarios 1-7

These scenarios described below are part of 25 virtual simulations that will be developed to complement 5 OER Nursing textbooks, collaboratively written with faculty from Wisconsin Technical Colleges and reviewed by statewide nursing faculty, deans, healthcare alliance members, and other industry representatives.

A public room in Acadicus will be created for each new scenario, where multiple people can join and interact the simulation from any location simultaneously.   

Alignment with Courses:

Pharmacology – Cardiac Meds; Skills – Administer Medications; Fundamentals – Communication an d Cognitive and Sensory Deficits

Overview of Scenarios: 

In a long-term care room, student must obtain vitals and appropriately administer cardiac medications with different patient conditions: furosemide 20 PO mg daily; metoprolol 25 mg PO daily; lisinopril 20 mg PO daily; Cardizem LA 180 mg PO daily


1: Routine medication administration performing 5 rights and vital signs WNL

2: Vital signs out of range

3: VS out of  range; patient has dementia and refuses BP procedure and  meds

4: VS out of range; family member in room is concerned

5: VS out of range with fever; patient has delirium from an infection

6: VS out of range; patient does not speak English 

7: VS in range but potassium out of range

Description of Levels of Simulation: 

  1. Associated H5P Branching Scenarios:  Students answer questions regarding medication administration with various patient situations to prepare for scenario or include in textbook(s).
  2. Group video Broadcast:  Instructor logs into Acadicus and leads scenario while broadcasting to student group; students direct actions of instruction with avatar patient as a team
  3. Immersive VR:  Student provides care for a patient in one or more of these conditions

Simulation Setup:

  • Environment:  Nursing Home Room
  • Character:  Adult Elderly Male
  • Wearing: Hospital Gown
  • Position:  Lying supine in hospital bed
  • No arm band in Nursing Home
  • Family members: Wife at bedside in Scenario 4
  • Animations:  Agitation or confusion  in some scenarios
  • Other disciplines in room: None; must call provider in some scenarios
  • Vital Signs: based on scenario

Patient Profile: 

Name: Miles Johnson

  • Birthdate: 03/07/XXXX
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 175 cm
  • Weight: 86.4 kg
  • Allergies: NKDA
  • Equipment on patient at start of scenario:

Collaborators and Contributors

The OpenRN project is led by Chippewa Valley Technical College, and the textbooks are being collaboratively written with faculty from Wisconsin technical colleges. The books will be reviewed by statewide nursing faculty, deans, healthcare alliance members, and other industry representatives to ensure the content is current and accurate.

The OER Nursing textbooks are written based on the State Nursing curriculum established by the Wisconsin Technical College System, and include: Pharmacology, Skills, Nursing Fundamentals, Mental Health & Community Concepts, and Management & Professional Concepts.

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