Nursing Education Month!
Join us for several upcoming Simulation Pulse Live events celebrating nursing education.
Use this link to join, or send a note to to be added to the weekly calendar invite.
March 22nd, 12:00 central:
Open RN Mini-Documentary Watch Party and Panel Discussion
We’ll start out with a watch party celebrating the release of a new mini-documentary on how the Open RN initiative and virtual simulation is helping address critical shortages of clinicians.
Following this we’ll have a panel discussion with several power users of VR simulation to hear about their experience setting up and implementing virtual sim.
Join the webinar at 12:00 central, March 22, 2024:
March 29th, 12:00 central:
VR Nursing Simulation at Madison College
Learn about Madison College’s ambitious new XR Center, and how their nursing program is using it to provide virtual clinical simulations.
Virtual Reality Simulation: Is it the Right Fit?
In case you missed their awesome presentation at IMSH, simulation rockstars Jamie Howell (Western Technical College) and Mitch Luker (Northeast Wisconsin Technical College) share their presentation during the Simulation Pulse Live on March 15th, 2024.
Watch the presentation here:
Use this link to join, or send a note to to be added to the weekly calendar invite.
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