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Madison College XR Center

An Inside Look at a Cutting-Edge Facility

Learn how Madison Area Technical College embraced VR simulation to introduce a new dimension of teaching and learning.

VR in the Classroom

Putting Madison College On the Map


“Having the XR Center has allowed us to bring VR into the classroom … If we wanted VR to take off, we needed to have a dedicated space… to make it the best experience it could possibly be … As the word gets out, and we’re able to show efficacy with what we’re doing with VR, it’s going to put Madison College ahead of even 4 year research universities.”

Carly Brady
Manager – Academic Technology, Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning Madison Area Technical College


Carly Brady
Bill Ballo

Ready for the Real World

“One of the most stressful times of your life is running a cardiac arrest as a paramedic.


You want to do everything right …  With VR, I can place my students in a cardiac arrest scenario, and allow them to do it right, do it wrong, and not just with a manikin, but in a condo where the patient’s wife is standing in the kitchen, and there’s pictures of his grandkids on the credenza.  I wanted my students to be immersed in an actual call … Traditional manikin simulation is fine, but the manikins are extremely expensive.  With VR, I can go into Acadicus, and say ‘here’s what I need, here’s what I want to do’ … I can take the ideas I had in my head and make them reality.”

Bill Ballo
Faculty – Strategic Academic Initiatives
Madison College


Teaching in VR
Teaching in VR simulation
Debriefing in VR simulation
VR simulation learning in community college

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