Welcome to Acadicus
Everything you need to know to get started with virtual simulation.
Demo Overview Video
Everything you need to know about Acadicus.
In this video, we describe everything you need to know about the content, tools, and simulations included with Acadicus, and how you can get started today.
Redefining Neonatal Education and Training
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine
McAdams Research Group
Learn how McAdams Research Group at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health is working with Acadicus to transcend traditional boundaries in neonatal education with virtual reality (VR) simulation.
Madison College XR Center
An inside look at a cutting-edge facility.
“Having the XR Center has allowed us to bring VR into the classroom … If we wanted VR to take off, we needed to have a dedicated space… to make it the best experience it could possibly be … As the word gets out, and we’re able to show efficacy with what we’re doing with VR, it’s going to put Madison College ahead of even 4 year research universities.”
Carly Brady
Manager – Academic Technology, Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning Madison Area Technical College
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