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Facilitating VR Nursing and Medical Simulations

Simulation Manager and Flexible Content Make it Possible.


Hear what experts in VR nursing and medical simulation have to say:


“We don’t want something that’s pre-scripted.  You need a live human instructor involved.”

Jeffrey Jacobson, Ph.D.
XR Lead of Immersive Design Systems
Boston Children’s Hospital

“We really need to run VR nursing simulation like we always have with high fidelity .. because that’s what really pulls students in, and make it more real, is that interaction.  You never know what a patient is going to say, or what a student is going to say, so you need that technician to respond in real-time like a real patient would, the same as we’ve always done with simulation, just in a virtual format.”

Kim Ernstmeyer
Director of Open RN and a Nursing Instructor
Chippewa Valley Technical College



Simulation Sequencer dashboard


“You can’t just drop your kids off at simulation and expect them to learn, it has to be facilitated.  The facilitation is truly the key.”

Paul Cusick
Director of Technology in the School of Allied Health and Nursing
Minnesota State University, Mankato


“When something happens to your patient, and you’re a nurse, you have this push of adrenaline. Whenever the code light goes off in the hospital, my heart starts beating. So when these students are in these VR nursing scenarios, and they experience that emotional response … then when they actually experience it at the bedside, they’ll know that that response is going to come, and they’ll be able to control it better.”

Dr. Debby Hall
Nursing Instructor
Amarillo College

Instructor debriefing after VR simulation

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