Creating VR Nursing Simulations
Acadicus provides the content and tools.
Hear what expert instructors and simulationists have to say, and see Acadicus in action.
“Our advisory committee decided that we needed the ability to customize VR nursing simulations the way we want to run it. That’s really the primary reasons we selected Acadicus, was the ability of faculty and sim techs to design whatever scenario they would like, just like with a high fidelity simulator.”
Kim Ernstmeyer
Director of Open RN and a Nursing Instructor
Chippewa Valley Technical College
“We decided, after looking at a number of VR platforms, to go with Acadicus. Number one, you have an editor that allows us to create our own scenarios and adjust existing scenarios to our needs.”
Jeffrey Jacobson, Ph.D.
XR Lead of Immersive Design Systems
Boston Children’s Hospital
“It never worked for us to go with other VR systems that are catalogues, where you have to work with their pre-scripted scenarios.”
Paul Cusick
Director of Technology in the School of Allied Health and Nursing
Minnesota State University, Mankato
“I’ve tried a lot of other VR software, and I don’t like having to trust someone else to meet my student’s needs. Their needs are individualized, just like our patients when we provide care.”
The thing I love about Acadicus, is it allows me to build individual scenarios that meets my student’s needs, meets my community’s needs, meets my school’s needs, and not focused on what someone else thinks is the best thing for my students, who never met them.”
Mitch Luker
Nursing Simulation Coordinator
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
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