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Your Virtual Sim Lab Has Been Updated

Acadicus Version 0.78.0


  • We’ve added a huge batch of new content this quarter, and are adding more dynamically on a regular basis.


  • [Grab] Support for non-VR users to interact with “Hand Grabbable” prop assets.
  • [Keyboard] The keyboard now boasts a fresh appearance, additional character options, and mode-switching capabilities for shift, caps lock, and special characters.


  • [Assets] Improved UI – The inventory view now has improved filtering and pagination. In addition a feature to search by text input. 
  • [Multi-User] The kick user feature now has a confirmation panel to prevent accidental clicks and to provide context for the feature’s use.
  • [VR Menu] Adjustments have been made to align the VR menu more accurately with the user’s line of sight.


  • [Input] In VR mode an extra mouse cursor was sending unwanted clicks into the scene. 
  • [Node/Socket] Networked multi-user node socketing was breaking with grabbable hand offs.
  • [Scene] The application would crash when entering a lab with a large backlog of networked messages.


  • [Scene] We’ve optimized scene file serialization by excluding learner toggles with default values and children of sockets with UniqueId from being serialized into the Scene file.
Acadicus vr interface
Acadicus vr interface
Acadicus vr interface
Acadicus vr interface
Acadicus vr interface
Acadicus vr interface
Acadicus vr interface
Acadicus vr interface

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